KungPowChicken (Fan Art Portfolio) Practice makes Perfect

Practice makes Perfect
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Okay, I lied, I said I wasn't gonna upload anything this weekend, but I decided to upload this random drawing I did yesterday evening. I thought it was cute with a good message attached. :D

So this is Meiko, one of the Vocaloids! Don't get me wrong I like Miku, the Twins and Kaito etc too,I just think Meiko is my favorite and plus theres not a lot of art work of her, not like Miku or Kaito.. So I drew her singing into.. a Hair Brush! :D I know they're computers so they don't brush their hair like us but haven't you ever just grabbed a brush and started singing into it? Just for fun? Maybe for practice? I know I have. So why can't the vocaloids? besides If you want to be a great singer like them, unlike them you have to practice and practice..until you get good at it. thats like the basic rule for anything you want to do with life. Don't expect to be good the first time you try. So Practice makes Perfect! :3

So yeah I need to talk about something else thats been bothering me for a while now.. which concerns my art.
I have come to observed that my fan art gets more love and recognition (which isn't bad, I appreciate it) than what my original art does(which kinda disappoints me..) I mean, when you join these sites you have people who want to watch you and your art grow and improve right.. I have my fair share, but it seems like people only do that so they can look at my fan art, they could care less about original, which makes me sad because I just work just as hard maybe harder on original stuff than fan art. I'm glad people want to look at my fan art, I'm not trying to be bragging or whats the other word.. I forgot but I would like it if people could see me as an "Original Artist" as well as a "Fan Artist." Don't get me wrong I love to draw fan art with fandoms I love, but I also have nice ideas of my own..and don't feel like I'm picking on you, or giving you a hard time, I'm not I'm kinda discussing about general people and stuff. Things that I observed, not only happen to me, but fellow artists as well. I would just like people who like my fan art just like my original art too. and There are so many people I know and love cause they support my art in general fan art or original, they comment and tell me how awesome it is which makes me feel great :D

So if your gonna support an artist Support them for ALL their art, not just SOME!

Comments, Hugs, Faves and Love are appreciated!
No Flaming, Stealing or Hating!

Meiko © Vocaloid
Art © Me, KungPowChicken

Miku Hatsune Fan Art
meiko, music, perfect, practice, singing, vocaloid
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