Cherryshock (Fan Art Portfolio) Better off as two

Better off as two
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WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL I like Riko so I wanted to draw him again. lol.
RIKA AND RIKO SIDEBYSIDE so you can see some differencessss.
Well these two are shallow narcissists so it works out just fine.
W-well i like riko so much that i made a mini bio difference thingy.

Riko: age 19 / Rika: age 17 (I dunno, I'm doing this appearence-wise sob)
Riko has darker, less saturated hair than Rika.
Same Eye color, Same skin tone. Short hair with bangs parted to his right side/Rika's to the left
Less of a hothead than Rika. He is a bit of a jerk, often forcing his buddies into situation they rather not be into.(Much like Rika...) Very loud. Wears less gaudy clothing than Rika. Likes hot girls, regardless of their attitude. Likes pick-up lines and going to bars. Likes to boast his assets whenever possible.


Uhhhhh. yeah. lol. I got Photoshop CS2 (via keygen ffff, ty iribby)
But I dont think my coloring or art changed any bit LOLOLHOL. But Its good for my photography cause now i can use actions and selective coloring~~~~ yaaaay

Happy revival project friday! I'll be posting a photoshoot picture on sat or sunday.

also I am so so so tired. I couldnt fall asleep til 3am, and i woke up at 8am. sob. I got woken up by a very very low plane going over my house. It sounded like it was going to crash! I could hear the turn of the jets/whatever they are and it was scary omg. And then i had a dream that there was a skunk the size of a bear on a road i was jogging on, and holycrap omg it was crawling towards me and went to spray me and then i woke up.

: |

It is hot out balahahhsadfa.

Also! Thankyou for 7,400+ Hugs/Votes!! ; A; You guys are awesomeee.

also this is dedicated to Lico because she stayed up and talked to me all night while i drew this : D

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
genderbender, narcissist, rika, riko, self, selfcest
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