Entry for Squee challenge. Yes, I did it all this evening (due date), by hand. I didn't realize it ended this soon. But I wanted to get this in. Sorry for the quality. I am aware of all the errors. Like two door instead of four door impala.... Yah.
This is the show Supernatural because the whole show makes me squee! I love this thing. Why? 1) Classic Rock, 2) 1967 Chevy Impala (beautiful), 3) Brilliant Actors (and you guys will appreciate this: two really hot brothers), 4) a story that sucks you in, 5) Extremely Lovable charactes, 6) Really Exceptional Shinies, 7) Serious ghosty Carnage, 8) Monster/Demon Hunting, 9) 100% Glompability, And just all the way around AWESOMENESS!!!!! Anyone who is not watching, should be. But start from the beginning. Very important. VERY. And completely worth it.
Best Show Ever.
In picture: Impala, again I apologise for the cruddyness of the drawing. Doesn't do the beauty justice, but I was in a hurry to get the picture done. That's a bag of rocksalt, anyone watching or aware of mythology should get that. Now on the other side, it's supposed to be a sawed-off and a knife. Yes, that is a pentagram, but to those who don't know, pentagrams are symbols of protection from evil. Not witchcraft. Above left to right, Castiel, Dean, Sammy (good, floopy headed), and Azazel (Yellow-eyed-demon). Love him, Lehne rocks. I was gonna do something specific to each character, like the wings or Dean's necklace, but I can't think of anything for Sam and I can't draw Azazel's eyes. Not near that good. And that's lightening. 'Cause it's Supernatural and they like that.
Maybe I or anyone else who wants to will color ir, but I don't know how...
Thanks for looking.