kukki-chan (Fan Art Portfolio) it;s nOt wOnderLand withOut yOu..

it;s nOt wOnderLand withOut yOu..
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yay!! its done!! done i tell you DOOOONE!! muahahah xD lol.. O___o etto~ this is my thank you drawing for Estheryuki~ =) hope u like it~!! its.. um.. alice princess of hearts... xD i mixture of random stuff relating to wonderland.. i think... and heres an alice vocaloid song i really like enjoy:

((A picture book I opened, hiding myself into my bed
Papa and mama don't notice it
Hi, Rabbit
Keep on stopping that clock
Take me beyond the page
I don't want to stay here any more
The dream I dream in my dream: Phantom land
That voice is hearable for me
I'm beating fast for the midnight adventure
Tell me the sequel of this
Before the night is over
Don't sweetly look at me forever
Neither milk nor sugar are needed
Hi, Rabbit. How did you do?
You are taciturn recently...
Beyond the page, it's always the same
I don't want to stay there any more
I stopped dreaming. I'm not miserable
The voice can't be remembered any more
My new dress can't be made dirty
I can't play together
So, goodbye to Alice
The second hand started moving, released magic will
have clouded up the truth
The phantom land that bloomed in the inside of me
Take me to there again
Still I don't intend to become grown-up
To flying birds in the eternity sky,
I have no way but to look up now
La La La La...
The picture book that mama gave me?
I had already burnt it..,//♪))

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Fan Art
alice, chess, cookie, darkness, in, kukki, purple, random, tea, wonderland
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22 members Favoritefavorite
Mokuba mekeke CreamyTea Shokora Overload shizuka101 krow666 Sweet Lullaby nodokachan samuraigirl122 Tsukiyo-kun miableachgirl Shishou TenshiHoshino DeidaraNarutoClan Estheryuki khismylife cheriblosomchibi Suki sama otakufangirl
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