SiSero (Fan Art Portfolio) Mother and Son

Mother and Son
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PLEASE enjoy Chapter 1 of my upcoming manga, "Sacred"!


picture size: 11 1/4'' X 13 1/4''
Mediam: Copic markers, Neo Piko's and gauche


hello everyone!! *hugz*

this is a pic of my main O.C. and his mother ^ U ^ (some of you might recognize them from the chapter i posted XD ) i haven't drawn a piece with the two of them together in so long!! ; o ;

FINALLY some new colored work!!! *faints*

i took a little break the past 2 days from commissions to do a little work for myself <3 OMGEE!! i'm honestly happy with how this turned out ; U ; it really is SUCH a different experience when you work at a larger scale! (i'm not used to drawing so large LOL so inking was a bit of a challenge LOL )

i have more colored work on the way, and of COURSE i'm going right back to work on my commissions and prepairing for the upcoming convention!! *danceeees*

i hope you'll enjoy this piece, guys ^///^

i'll speak to you all soon!! <3


To learn more about my upcoming manga, please click this link!


PLEASE RESPECT MY WORK!! these characters/story are protected under federal law and are to be used in a publication. do not reproduce, claim as your own or post /print anywhere without written consent from the publishers. thank you.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
manga, mother and son, sacred, sisero
64 votes thumb
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