Kaijin Kinuma (Fan Art Portfolio) Farewell, Solitaire

Farewell, Solitaire
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My entry for mariozeldakirby's challenge. This one took me a while because I'm not used to photoshop yet. Also, credit for the awesome color job on the hair goes to my good friend m3ia. (I don't have the pen tool on my photoshop version, so I asked for her assistance with the shades and highlights.) As for the words in the background, they are the lyrics to "Farewell, Solitaire" - the ending theme of Chrono Crusade - hence the title of the artwork. I love the song and really feel like it suits me and my boyfriend (that's us by the way). Here's the lyrics to the song since some of it is obscured...

It's because I love you so much that I hurt you, that I'm so confused
Coming close to your cold cheek, my soul was born
I always want to see you right away

I love you so much I can't speak, so how will you see my kindness?
Hold me tighter, I believe in your warm heart
Farewell, solitaire, to tomorrow

Because I'm so small, I give everything, but it's not enough
This hand, which can't hide anything at all, I want to give to you
We still have to see off the white dawn

Why was I able to run across someone this important?
Holding on to these fingers that they almost hurt, I see the dream that had disappeared into sadness
Farewell, solitaire

Because I'm no longer alone, tomorrow awakens, and I'm with you
Because I have someone whom I love so much, I'm here by your side, protecting you
I'm so glad that I was born on this earth that connects me to you

Enjoy. PLEASE VIEW IN HIGH RES!! (it appears so big on here)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
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17 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
KiKaiya ched ShingetsuHime cheriblosomchibi mariozeldakirby m3ia
Member Dedication
Words can't describe how much I Love You..
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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