Awwww it´s so sad that the quality of the picture was so punished .Well it's ok,I will show you guys the real quality in another way.Probably I will have to upload it to dev or someplace I can use a better format than JPG (you actually see the picture with 40% of quality T.T ).
Thanks for my good friends that remembered my birthday .I really have a hard time with each of my birthdays,so writing me something,sending me a gift,or drawing me something will make me really happy.This year it was ok ,even thou I wanted to show all more pictures with my new powers.
I'm probably using the best software for art now,it's very expensive and you need like 10 programs to make it work well.I didn't use the planet tutorial on this one,the program molds the 3-D shape automatically.Gona give a picture to each friend that wrote,sended,made something for my birthday.
U still haven't seen nothing XD ,wait for the next week.If you give me your email y send u a high queality copy of the picture. Hope u like ,can't wait to show you all the other pics,plz comment :3