This is my entry for King-sama's It's Bedtime! challenge.
I used my OC Colette and some kind
I was going to do a teddy bear, but it didn't seem like her. Then I thought "Hmm, she's a vampire. Maybe I should give her bat?!". But I epic failed at the bat thing. So I made a cat. But I couldn't draw it's face all cutesy wootsey so BAM!
I think he's kind of kewt :3 Scary- but kewt.
Um...I started on this around midnight. Finished inking it around one-ish and it took two hours to color. 4 hours is about right.
Anyways, hope you like it~ :D I'm trying really hard to improve my style ;;
Imouto Chan~
P.S. No stealy, no touchy. Ish mine ^_~