DogGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Surrounded by animals

Surrounded by animals
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I drew this picture for a very good friend of mine. So the girl in the picture is suppose to resemble her a bit. (she has green eyes and brown hair^^ ) She liked the picture very much.

I am pretty much up to date with my posting! Finally! lol I just have to post the picture I just finished yesterday.

The picture in my head looked so much better>.< I just feel the picture isn't flowing as much as I wish it would. I worked really hard on all the details and coloring but I don't know. I think it's the rug that's throwing me off. Sigh. It was fun to color though^^ Especially the animals.

This actually took me two months to finish@~@ I kept getting really bad colds (I had 3 of them in a course of 2 months!) It was very difficult to get myself to do anything. I hate being sick>.< Glad that's over!

I penned a lot of it in on an air plane. I forgot my ruler at home so the only thing I had for straight lines, was the pamphlet they have in front of you that was laminated. Made a great ruler:D Maybe the lines are a bit crooked though.

Thank you so much for veiwing!

~Prismacolor colored pencils
~Prismacolor colorless blender
~Canson bristol 100lb. 9x12 paper
~Zig .25 and .45 pens

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Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
animals, doggirl, girl, stuffed
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