*dances* Yes...I'm happy I got a really good new black marker. LOL!! Now...I think I need to go over this again...but I'm so excited I had to post it. X3 And...I found this contest...so I figured he falls into the category so why not. >XD
I hope everyone likes it! I haven't done anything in marker before...this is a first. And I haven't referenced for a long time! ROFL!! So let's see, for this I referenced the cover of Shippuden Volume 2! Credit goes to that! Let's say I'm celebrating its release in the US. X3
Done in marker, but the eyes I did in Photoshop since I don't have COLOR markers. ROFL! This is sorta like a silhouette pic, minimal colors. I must say...I really had fun with this one...and it didn't take me long. What took the longest was GETTING a Marker. ROFLMAO!!
Alright! ENJOY!
comments/hugs/faves all appreciated!!!