
Title Otaku Legend
Birthday 07/21/95
Member Since 06/22/09
Guestbook 409 signatures
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Gifts : Happy Birthday Blue Latte: Happy Birthday! Kami-chan.x3: Thanks for the wishes & happy st. pat's! Murder Princess: thx! x3  hope you had a wonderful, too! Bleachic: Happy Valentine's Day, Lexie. ^u^<3 thelostsindar: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!! ^-^ BabyD: Happy Valentine's Day! >3< aka yuki: Happy Valentines Day 21Emmz12: Happy Valentine's Day!! :D LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Alchy-baka-chan :P Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 ItachiSasuke: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 you lots! =D LGA775: Happy Vday my friend..Hugs Murder Princess: happy new year! :3 Bleachic: Merry Christmas, Lexie-chan!!!~X<333 BabyD: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ^__^ Blue Latte: Merry Christmas <3 15385bic: Merry Xmas X) LunaInverse: Happy Holidays!! <3 Be happy!! Deaths Strawberry: Happy Late Birthday : I miss youuuuuuu, Alexa-chaaannn~!!! ;A; 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D Bleachic: HAPPY B-DAY LEXIE!!~x<333 superstarpanou: Happy Birthday, Sexy Lexy! Bwahahahaha!! LightFykki: Happy birthday! ^__^ : Happy Birthday, Alexa-chan~!!!!!!!! :D thelostsindar: Happy Birthday! ^-^ vampirehitsugaya: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (=^.^=) LightFykki: SPECIAL  COOKIE!!!! 8DD kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! Hanako Sho: Congrats on the promotion! >w< Morbid Dollie: Happy Easter!!! Hope it's great!!! BabyD: Happy Valentines Day!! X3 Murder Princess: Happy New Year 2012!! :D Blue Latte: Merry Christmas!! :D : Merry Christmas, Alexa!!! Blood Huntress: Merry Christmas 2! Eats tons of icecream BabyD: Merry Christmas!! X3 dyanaanime: Merry Christmas, Alexa-chaaaaan~ LightFykki: Merry Christmas to you too Alchy!^^ Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas to you too dear! XD JanetChan: :) JanetChan: late JanetChan: was JanetChan: i JanetChan: sorry JanetChan: Soo JanetChan: !!!!!!!!!!!!! JanetChan: Birthday JanetChan: Happy : Have a FRESH halloween! ~<3 : Like it or not, I am your friend. Carina1301: CONGRATULATIONS!!! 3rd Place! LightFykki: Sorry tha ya can't get yor art sub. ;w; : Nice=Nice. ^_^ kikkima: happy birthday ^_^ Scorcher: Happy Belated Birthday! rosel D: Happy Birthday! Best Wishes~! Felcie: Happy Belated Birthday !! x) vampirehitsugaya: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!:) AmazingDanni: Woo! :D Deaths Strawberry: Happy birthday Morbid Dollie: Happy Birthday x3 xianlee: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXA-CHAN!^^ : Happy birthday friend :) Angel Zakuro: Happy birthday!! :D chocolatemud: Happy Birthday!! Gum Fanatic: Happy Birthday!! Ritona: Happy birthday! superstarpanou: Happy, happy Birthday to you~~ ^o^ Whoo! 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D paperXmoon: Happy shared Birthday Alexa-chan!! liveeverysecond: Happy Birthday, birthday buddie!!!!!! :D : Happy Birthday, Alexa-chan~!!!!! :D PandaMoon: Happy birthday girl!!! byakuyarox1: Happy Birthday!! :) fma17: Happy Birthday! Hope you have yummy cake ReiKiba: Happy Birthday Alexa n have a nice day! Blue Latte: Happy Birthday <3 1dev13: Happy Birthday! :D Have a great day! ^-^ NoirAngel: Happy Birthday! ^^ dyanaanime: Kitty for less stress! Happy birthday ^^ Support KIRA: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <3333 LightFykki: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___^ fma17: Hope you feel better*hugs* LightFykki: Here's a sweet potion, maybe it helps :3 LightFykki: I hope that you will feel better Alchy.. : :) kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! ^^ LightFykki: Thanks, but not so awesome like you! :D LightFykki: And this, so that you can study more xD LightFykki: A ICECREAM FOR YA !!!!! ^___^ LightFykki: To end it with a brush for more painting LightFykki: For you, you get a sweet cherry :)) LightFykki: Gotta love that pocky stick, though..... LightFykki: You know that it is GIFT SPAM!!! :DDDDDD LightFykki: Now that you returned and saw this gift 21Emmz12: RANDOM GIFT! =^D Carbon Frost: thnku :3...have some urself LightFykki: And to end this gift spam..with a brick. LightFykki: Just because of your drawing skills!! LightFykki: And just in case, one of chocolate! :D LightFykki: Here is one of strawberry for you....... Morbid Dollie: Thanks for caring <3~ LightFykki: Here is a cookie to feel better... :)) LightFykki: I hope you will get better soon! I know! Carbon Frost: O Carbon Frost: L Carbon Frost: Guy: ahh o///o...>///>....t...thanks JanetChan: A kawaii bunneh to a kawaii girl! � Hulaberry32: Ice cream for choooo. ;D fma17: Here is something sweet, like you :) RedPandaAlchemist: Thanx 4 the gift! AmazingDanni: WheeeeeeeBAM. Felcie: Thank you <3 Angel Zakuro: Haha, thank you. :) <3 <3 <3 twinklesakura: Hi! =) rosel D: Happy Valentines~ <3 kikkima: happy V-day ^_^ Ritona: Happy Valentine's Day Morbid Dollie: Congrats on the promotion! <3 SarahPatricia: congrats on the promotion! ^_^ KrondorianV: congrats on your promotion!!! ^^ ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion! :D rosel D: Congrats on your promotion~ *smiles* Quiet Noise: congrats on your promotion my friend ^^ ReiKiba: You're so sweet! :D twinklesakura: >Poke< Ohio Alexa chan! lapaperninja: [.::Happy New Year!::.] Kc Inoue: Happy 2011~!! Hulaberry32: Happy New Years! :DD rosel D: Have a Happy and Wondrous New Year! SarahPatricia: May 2011 be a wondrous year! Carbon Frost: happy nu year!! :] ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D twinklesakura: Happy new year! ecnelisterger: Art-we find and lose ourselves in it.. : 3rd place in Fire Beauty or Beast Support KIRA: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! <3 Murder Princess: Merry Christmas!!! x3 lapaperninja: [::*~Merry Christmas!~*::] Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *huggles* itemilicious: Merry Christmas~ :D Carbon Frost: merry christmas!! :] : Happy Holidays~! :D : Merry Christmas, Alexa!! : Happy Holidays!!! Kc Inoue: Merry Christmas! Quiet Noise: wish u Happy Holidays! ^_____^ Hulaberry32: Happy Holidays~<3 LightFykki: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! BabyD: Merry Christmas! hohoho ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ rosel D: Merry Christmaaaaasssss!!!! XD 21Emmz12: Advanced Merry XMas to u too~!!! xD Blue Latte: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hulaberry32: Thanks a bunch for entering my challenge Hulaberry32: Pockeh for the first place winner ^^ Hulaberry32: Congrats on winning the challenge! :DD : Adnavced Merry Christmas to you too! 8D MiseryMiss: Happy Holidays in Advance ^^ LightFykki: Thank you for the sub! :D dyanaanime: Early Merry Christmas to you too! :3 Felcie: Merry X-mas 2 u too ;) : and another one 8D : as promised :) ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! kikkima: merry Christmas!! kita mikichi: 2nd place!!! Thanks for participating! Murder Princess: i love cookies � i hope you like cakes! paperXmoon: happy same-birthday, and draw mermaids! : Yeshh! Chibi lovers unite!! >.< rosel D: You have very awesome arts too � : Some pocky for you too! XD : thanks for the subs <3 ReiKiba: Aww, thanks, you are sweet too! <3 Bleachic: Thanks for your participation, my friend Bleachic: Thanks for your participation, my friend Hulaberry32: Happy Thanksgiving! :DD irish012: TRICK or TREAT!! : Happy Halloween!!! xD Felcie: Happy Belated Halloween !! 8D MiseryMiss: Thank you~! Happeh Halloween!!! ^^ Support KIRA: Happy Halloween!! <3 Bleachic: Happy Halloween!!! Bwahahaha! *^O^* Quiet Noise: I wish you a happy Halloween! Carbon Frost: Happy Halloween!! :3 Alexa chan ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD ecnelisterger: For the kawaii artist! XD Carbon Frost: thnku for the subs :] irish012: a cute piggy for you.!..have a nice day. : Thanks for joining my challenge~! ^_^ Hulaberry32: Thanks for joining Maid Latte! ^^ Ishida Uryu: Happy Birthday. Felcie: Happy birthday to youuuu *sings* !!! =3 kikkima: Happy Bday Alexa-chan!! ^_^ : Happy B-Day!!! *hugs and throws flowers* dyanaanime: Happy b-day, Alexa-chan ^^ 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXA~! =^D ecnelisterger: Happy Birthday!! Kc Inoue: HAPPY BIRHTDAY~!!!^^ Blue Latte: Happy Birthday!! Have a great day... RedPandaAlchemist: Happy B-Day!! -Repaa : Happy Birthday 1dev13: Happy Birthday! I hope it's awesome! ^-^ ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion!!! :D ecnelisterger: Thank you for the sub! ^^ Hulaberry32: Happy July 4th from a friend! xD : Congrates and thanks for the entry : Random gift time! Because you are nice! 1dev13: Congratulations on 3rd place! ^-^ wh2000: aF, Hall of Fame wh2000: Best chibi graphic art irish012: hello, i'm a new member here^-^.. Knight Edge: Congrad for winning Second place! Sakuse: Congrats :D Thank you for joining :D Sakuse: Congrats :D Thank you for joining :D Bleachic: To my Lexie-Chan Bleachic: To my friend, Lexie-chan!  Love ya tons! Ishida Uryu: Thank you for your support. *smiles* Murder Princess: thank ya for all your nice comments! ^-^ Ishida Uryu: Happy Valentine's to you too... Bleachic: Happy V-Day my friend! Kc Inoue: Happy Valentines Day~! (: Bleachic: I miss you too!  Tons and Tons! ^.^ miableachgirl: Happy New Year! ulterego333: Happy new year <(^.^<) beloved blood: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! tiggerola: Merry Christmas! Glory to God! Bleachic: Happy B/Day!
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Winner - Challenge: Ships. so very many ships Contestant - Challenge: Comics Battle Challenge! Contestant - Challenge: The season of love! Contestant - Challenge: Define love. Contestant - Challenge: 10 sketches Contestant - Challenge: Within 5 Minutes Winner - Challenge: DANCE, DANCE.... Contestant - Challenge: {{VOCALOID}} Contestant - Challenge: ~Gender Bender~ Contestant - Challenge: Green! Contestant - Challenge: Hugs please! Winner - Challenge: Hogwarts yourself Winner - Challenge: All Works Work! Winner - Challenge: Cutee-ness ^_^ Contestant - Challenge: Your favorite!!! Contestant - Challenge: girl powah! Winner - Challenge: music and art Winner - Challenge: Year of the Rabbit!!!! Contestant - Challenge: OH GOD NO! Contestant - Challenge: Chibi Characters!! Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: Better work fast! Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: Megane Contestant - Challenge: I want something REAL!!! Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Winner - Challenge: Disney Magic Winner - Challenge: Picturing Spring Contestant - Challenge: Tough and Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Before and After Creator - A Show of Affection Contestant - Challenge: I AM SO PROUD! C: Contestant - Challenge: Splatters Contestant - Challenge: >Mood Swings< Contestant - Challenge: >Mood Swings< Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: \'Tis the Season for Dedications Contestant - Challenge: \'Tis the Season for Dedications Contestant - Challenge: \'Tis the Season for Dedications Contestant - Challenge: Christmas and New Years! <3 Contestant - Challenge: 4- Black Rock Shooter Contestant - Challenge: Your OC with their OC! Winner - Challenge: The Mysteries of Bleach Winner - Challenge: Fire. Beuty or Beast? Contestant - Challenge: **KIMONOholics** Winner - Challenge: Fall Fun Contestant - Challenge: Soul Eater Halloween Contestant - Challenge: Grimmjow -VS- Ulquiorra Contestant - Challenge: Monochromatic(With Spots of Color) Winner - Challenge: Inked Winner - Challenge: Show Me My Uryu~<3 Winner - Challenge: Let the music guide you. Contestant - Challenge: A day with your favorite anime character Contestant - Challenge: Details Creator - Draw my Quincy~ Contestant - Challenge: Lolita for life! Contestant - Challenge: Just a Kiss Contestant - Challenge: Just a Kiss Contestant - Challenge: Just a Kiss Contestant - Challenge: Just a Kiss Contestant - Challenge: Music=Inspiration Contestant - Challenge: BACK TO SCHOOL~ Winner - Challenge: Strike a Pose! Contestant - Challenge: 10 things I hate about you Winner - Challenge: You As A Vocaloid~! Winner - Challenge: Revamp Epicness Contestant - Challenge: Show me the Ladies. Contestant - Challenge: Voices in My Head Contestant - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: THEMES!!! Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: Sketch Dump Extraordinaire Contestant - Challenge: Students of the Night Class Contestant - Challenge: Your OTP! Contestant - Challenge: Digital Art Winner - Challenge: Emotions Contestant - Challenge: BISHIE!!! Winner - Challenge: TOO KAWAII!!! Contestant - Challenge: CRAYONS!!!! 8D Contestant - Challenge: 1- Anything Contestant - Challenge: 1- Anything Contestant - Challenge: 1- Anything Contestant - Challenge: 1- Anything Contestant - Challenge: Snowball Fight Winner - Challenge: Favorite Character Contestant - Challenge: in. your. dreams. Contestant - Challenge: Anything you want! Creator - Megane Bishounen! Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: That\'s sugoi! (Amazing!) Winner - Challenge: HeLlO zEpP Winner - Challenge: Colors of the Rainbow Contestant - Challenge: Gather Ye Crayons!!! Winner - Challenge: Best Dang Wallpaper Contestant - Challenge: Show Some Love Contestant - Challenge: Show Some Love Contestant - Challenge: Show Some Love Contestant - Challenge: Show Some Love Contestant - Challenge: Show Some Love Contestant - Challenge: Spring time wallpapers Contestant - Challenge: Sexy Model\'s Contestant - Challenge: Top Male Anime Character Winner - Challenge: Hottest Anime Boys 2010 Winner - Challenge: Best Friends~ Winner - Challenge: Upbeat Wallpaper! Contestant - Challenge: You Are Just So... <insert emotion here> Winner - Challenge: Draw your Favorite Contestant - Challenge: Your favorit Contestant - Challenge: VK Contestant - Challenge: ThE fInAl CoUnTdOwN!!!! 8D Contestant - Challenge: Picking Favorites Contestant - Challenge: Picking Favorites Winner - Challenge: REALLY!? Winner - Challenge: \ Contestant - Challenge: How Good Are You? Winner - Challenge: Anime Fun! Contestant - Challenge:  Favorite Espada Contestant - Challenge:  Favorite Espada Contestant - Challenge: Hottest Anime Girls 2009 Contestant - Challenge: Parings Contestant - Challenge: Parings

Subscriptions 90 subscriptions

  • sweetdevil
  • AiDanoKoiDano
  • kitabug69
  • loverofstories
  • Carbon Frost
  • saiyukiluver
  • kikkima
  • tavis harts
  • Blue Latte
  • KarinCrispelter
  • Chibianimegirl23
  • Hulaberry32
  • HelloKatty
  • dyanaanime
  • Angel Zakuro
  • Ishida Uryu

Subscribers 245 subscribers Favoritefavorite

  • luffysister
  • PalmtopTigerz
  • hamstergirl
  • Bloomed Garden
  • Darkarax
  • Bleachic
  • smacktoo
  • grueny
  • killerja3
  • xdaisyx
  • MariaCarlotta
  • pokipoki2
  • Hunter Kaskura
  • Isshin Kurosaki
  • Mistress Amoranta
  • PurpleBlaziken

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01/17/13 Wishlist [S.V. 2013] Sexy Lexy.

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