wat title I don't knooooow
Happy Birthday Fikret/Fykki/Fluffeh X-neto-bakasenpaisensei!! ♥ ♥
Sorry it's kinda late. You know how busy I am these days. QvQ
The quickest thing I could make you is this petty iWallie but I hope you're okay with it. ; 3 ;
/and here comes her little speech of gratitude/
You've been an amazing friend since we meet years ago. You're really fun to talk to and your kindness and compassion for others just shines through your words. I'm really glad to have met you. All those PMs and commenting and random conversations just makes me grin and laugh like and idiot. You cheer me up with your funny statements and pure randomness that we get ourselves into. And I thank you for that. xD
Even though we don't get to talk often, you still remain an inspiration and an important friend in my heart.
/lol look at me all soppy lololol/
HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAY! ♥ May God always bless you. Stay awesome dude! /brofists
scan - minitokyo.net
brushes - bombay101