A request done for Melody Chocolate on Ushi no Tane :]! I think everyone in there is excited for Animal Parade to come out in Nov, :] especially me~ hahaha. i hope to draw more and complete some unfinished works sitting around. XD I'll move away from Harvest Moon for a TINY bit~
Fun stuff! :] And yes i know, Julius still looks a little manly for his character but hey, XD; I can't stand girly men without looking a TINY bit masculine. D:
Tools: Tablet and Photoshop
Ushi no Tane: http://fogu.com/hm/
Ushi no Tane Forum for HM Art Requests: http://fogu.com/hmforum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=115602
Tune into my livestream to watch me draw some Harvest Moon Fanart!: http://www.livestream.com/sanoshi