HametsuKuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Me and my friendly OCs

Me and my friendly OCs
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Wow...I didn't know which group of friends to choose to draw, so I decided...ALL of them will do!

from Tsumetai Hi:James, Philix, Yoru, Kurai, Hametsu, Usono, Ame, Haru, Aijo, Nazo, Lu, and Sir Edward.
from Intoxication:Max, Raine, and Samantha
from Bitten:Jack, Jima, and Emily
from Life with Love and Magic:Yuna, Herro, Kairi, Lei, Igomu, and Tai
from New Life:Kyoki, Dante, Atsuki, and Deama
from The Search:Naoki, Naomi, and Kira
and finally, from Hidden Power:Kao, Shou, and Lynn

and of course me holding my favorite creations.

who says couples aren't friends? My husband is my friend!

and I lied, these aren't all of them...I didn't put two characters from The Ballad of Fire and Water, which is basically about a war spread across four kingdoms, and the love of two people from opposing kingdoms....and I didn't put up the Random Moments characters....and Chikara characters....or the characters from my other small comics and some still waaaaaaay under construction.

I'm thinking about making another with my evil OCs attacking me...lol that's gonna be fun.

Enjoy all the small funny things in this picture!
please hug/comment! I love comments!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
aijo, ame, atsuki, bitten, dante, deama, emily, hametsu, haru, herro, hidden power, igomu, intoxication, jack, james slater, jima, kairi, kao, kira, kurai, kyoki, lei, lu, lwlam, lynn, max, me, naoki, naomi, nazo, new life, philix, raine, samantha, shou, sir edward, tai, the search, tsumetai hi, usono, yoru, yuna
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Kailith hiding2survive tokyoxuxa KiKaiya
Member Dedication
Your OC and Friendship!
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