Creme Of Rolo (Fan Art Portfolio) The Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper

ACH. He looks like Ciel. xD
I Swear, Octive was made way before I knew who Ciel was. I have no idea why they look so much alike. Well, Octive already had an eye patch. . . and a picture of Ciel was sitting on my bed for an eye reference when I drew this last night, so maybe by acendent some of his hair style was transferred as well. x3

So! with that out of the way, this is my character Octive from my book (that I plan on getting published if I can finished NanoWrimo) "The Dungeon." Octive doesn't have a last name because he doesn't need one. He is a slave to one of my other characters; Note. Who I started to draw but stopped due to tiredness. Octive is a gatekeeper in the Dungeon, in the dungeon there are many hallways and tunnels and some of them are dead ends, the dead ends are actually gates to the central room of the dungeon, and other hidden places. Well Octive has the ability to open these gates. He was born with it.

Octive can also use this white feather like dust, which sometimes appears as white fire (seen in the picture) He can summon this dust or fire and it will assume the form of any object. He fights Claymore and Gunner and first makes a scythe, then claws. Later he makes a lantern that glows white and gives it to Train and Claymore to see in the central room.

Note, Octive's master, is a power hungry young man. He found Octive when he was a child and brought him down into the dungeon. The dungeon he wished to rule so he could use the elves that are enslaved in it to rule the world. Note practices hypnosis and has hypnotized Octive into serving him forever. (NOTE: Hypnosis is NOT mind control, hypnosis is suggesting something, not controlling them.) Note was caught and thrown in a cell in the darkest deepest parts of the dungeon, and octive continues to serve him, being his legs and hands. When Octive was smaller Note found out Octive could manipulate the energy of the Wall gates in the dungeon, and octive was made part of the Dungeon "Staff" because of this. But because Octive was lost when Note was not there, the Master slave driver of the dungeon, refrained from killing Note to make sure Octive would do his job. Note uses Octive like a broken puppet and never really cared about him. Octive could never live without Note and has become dependent on him and his hypnosis.

SPOILER: In the end, Octive dies saving Note as the world falls apart. Note lives and Octive dies, they all then find out Octive was a cyborg, and that is how he had his abilities. Note manages to re-animate Octives bodie and give him a robotic mind, Because in the end it shows that Note has obsessed over his slave, and because Octive died and the hypnosis broke, it hurt Note and made him crazy. The two go missing after the final battle.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
book, ciel, gatekeeper, griffin, lol, master, note, novel, octive, random, slave, the, the dungeon, train
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