KungPowChicken (Fan Art Portfolio) Midnight Snacks :D

Midnight Snacks :D
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This is my entry for AngelBest Dream's Challenge the Fall of theOtaku, since he was so kind to bite me and share the disease with me. Well the point was to bite someone and give them the disease but I couldn't think of anyone to bite personally...Since in the challenge info Angel said "Instead of worrying about people stealing art, I should worry about fangs," so I just took my zombie instincts.. and bite eat a person, not just any person but someone who steals art! XD *Note: This is a complete and random person I have no idea who they are, so don't jump to a conclusion that I'm attacking people again.*

Sorry Angel, I know your said just to bite someone since we're like a vampire/zombie hybrid but I don't like that, I like the classic zombies who are crazy and only want people for their brains :D
Though I did make this un-watermarked for you, since you always kinda get on my nerves when you mention watermarks..>.>

SO if this is to violent for your taste (I say its like PG-PG13 since there isn't much showing.. ) than don't be hating or flaming, I mean if you don't like something than simply don't look at it. :3
But Like I said I'm giving a warning out since there is little violence. >.>
So don't say I didn't warn you when you click on the picture and read the artist's comment..>.>

I'm dedicating this is AngelBest Dream since its his challenge! XD

Comments, Hugs, Faves are appreciated!
No Stealing, Hating or Flaming!

Art and ZombieMe © Me, KungPowChicken

Personal Fan Art
anger management, attack, midnight snacks, yummy, zombie me
27 votes thumb
16 members Favoritefavorite
KiraYagami100 AnimeGal816 narutoKHfighter samgirl Markus wolfe karwa vocaloidnova NejixWrathLover vdr-07 Ryochi30 aminesick AngelBest Dream Blazerkid
Member Dedication
AngelBest Dream
The Fall of the Otaku
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