DogGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) FireFly

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For somegirl's Stand Out challenge. I made it:D With 8 minutes to spare! I'll go more in depth about the description of the picture, after it's submitted on time.
[EDIT] Finally am taking the time to type up the discription for this picture.XD
So..I wanted to submit a picture to her challenge before it ended( I said I was going to upload more, so had to do another one>w<) I didn't win, but I fully understand the reasons why I didn't. hopefully I can get the hang of this kind of art by the next time she has a contest:D Man, I love doing these!! The next one, I hope, will be more creative and not so constrained.

I LOVE the song by Owl City- Fireflies. I decided I like how the word looks singular instead of plural. The wings are from the firefly; the lightning bolts are because they are also called 'lightning bugs'; the hearts because they light up to attract the opposite sex; the stars because you see them better at night time; the autaumn leaves because I think they come out during that time but I think I was totally offXD and a color scheme of fire because they ARE The lines going around the word, is the path the firefly made. I had fun with the textures

Thank you so much for viewing! And I really appriciate comments and favorites^^
(Sorry if it takes me forever to respond though )

-Zig .45 and .25 pens
-Prismacolor colored pencils
-Prismacolor coloreless blender
-Strathmore Bristol smooth 9x12 100lb. paper
*******Please do not use without my consent********

Personal Fan Art
doggirl, doggirl17, firefly, stand out challenge, textures
16 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
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Stand Out
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