moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Look into my eyes...

Look into my eyes...
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Bahaha. Backgrounds are for the skilled people. -_-
I felt the need to draw another picture for the "Picking Favorites" challenge by DixieWings, because I didn't like my first one. But ya know what? I don't like this one all that much either. :D Mostly because I CAN'T DRAW BACKGROUNDS. D:< And cell shading is definately not my forte. I mean, just LOOK at the pants. xD Yeah.

So here we have Damian, magically sitting on absolutely nothing. 8D I was originally going to make this an anime screenshot looking picture, which is why I cell shaded it. :D But then I remembered that I can't draw backgrounds... I started to draw one, but I didn't finish. xD;
... What? What's that you say? What's with the title? And why is Damian pointing at his eyes?
Well. Since this was SUPPOSED to be a screenshot, there would've been dialouge to go with the picture. And it would've went like this:

Damian: Dare [another character of mine/Damian's cousin], you've got your mom's eyes. Just like me. -w- *Points at eyes*

Yeah. Completely pointless.
But while we're on the topic of eyes, Damian and Dare have the same eyecolor, and I draw their eyes similarly. Yay.

If you want to see all the ugly details on this picture, click here, and then you can even press the download button to make it even bigger! :D Ahaha.

One last thing.
I was to lazy to draw the plaid on his shirt like I did for the previous picture of him.
Okay, I'm done. Sorry for the long caption.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
british, challenge, character, damian, dixiewings, glasses, original, original character, picking favorites
19 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
Miracle Star19 Afterglow Gero Chan Optimistix VG GRL 2000 LilyWhite
Member Dedication
Picking Favorites
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