Sage of Magic (Fan Art Portfolio) Tal


Another one of Amery's friends. Tal is the youngest of their little group and also the most quiet. For this Amery often jokes and teases him as 'the brick wall'. He is a ringtailed lemur boy. Despite appearances, he is not 'emo'. The dark circles around his eyes are natural for his species. Unfortunately he gets picked on a lot for this trait.

The group knows very little about him as he rarely talks about himself. They suspect he is on a medication of some sort and that he has a poor home life due to a comment he made about Amery's situation. He has a bad habit of 'shaking' or 'rocking' when stationary.

He became part of the group after they started hanging out in his usual place at school. No one noticed him for the longest time and he quietly watched the group's interactions. Finally after a while he gave Amery a bag of potato chips and basically got pulled in by the fox who saw him as another source of food trickery XD Now he's usually a peace keeper of sorts and the 'go to' man for when you have a problem you need advice for. He's surprisingly very insightful.

While Raina is in her sophmore year of college, he is still a senior in high school. He shows no interest in continuing his education or seeking a job. Raina has talked him out of dropping out of school a number of times, pushing him into the possible job of a counselor since he is so good with giving advice.


gah, Tal was the hardest for me to draw. Originally I was planning to make him overweight, but then this anorexic looking scrawney kid came out and I went with it. To make up for body weight I changed his facial features a bit, giving him a longer, more narrow face. I made one of Amery's coworkers heavier instead to make up for this.

I know the background is a complete wreck. I was doing it in the middle of class and got nervous with some of the people watching me so I only did a half job with it. But at least you can see what Tal looks like.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
amery, raina, tal
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2 members Favoritefavorite
Miracle Star19 cheriblosomchibi
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