I,myself (Fan Art Portfolio) Groovy

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Okay. It's as done as it's gonna get.

I am a civilian surviving. I've selected a lighthouse for my "base". Two ways in, the bottom door and the lightroom balcony. The glass is easy for inside observation, you can see what's going on all the way around you. But the glass is also Ultra storm glass with super iron reforcements. If the ocean don't break it, nothing will. Even if something does get in, the place is like a bottle neck. Easy targets. Plus, it's got a storm proof house attatched, no need to rough it (not that that's bad XD). And not too far from whatever village would be near. Not too many people to worry about, but easy access to supplies and resources. Lighthouse, huge light, undead don't like light, night time, no problem. I'm in the lightroom. That's the light (those things can be really pretty) and that's the spiral starcase down to the switchroom and the balcony access. The light's not on now, because it's just barely dusk. Guess that's why I'm up there, waiting to turn it on.

Weapons: chainsaws, shotguns, and cricket bats(great head-splitters).

As far as emotion: Ripping the "un" from the "undead". What else could a girl want? The smile there turned kinda half grimace. Which wasn't really what I was going for, but I guess it makes sense. Chainsaws are messy. Plus, just got cleaned. How did it get inside? Maybe I got bored. Who knows. I just liked the idea of the picture. :P

Plan, clean up the place. In luxery.

I was gonna color it, but guess what? I haven't the foggiest how. So this is all done in mechanical and shading pencils.

I take my zombie killing very seriously.>XD And gift to whoever gets the title reference (besides my siblings). Hard, but this was fun.

Personal Fan Art
angelbest dreams, chainsaw, challenge, civilian, dark, fall, girl, groovy, i, killing, lighthouse, lightroom, monster, myself, otaku, shade, slaying, survivor, undead, vampire, zombie
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