♥ Tsuki is Yurikami's, my OC for DeidaraNarutoClan's club Teh Biju Club (( join please ^^)), third born son. Tsuki Ichibi is 1 out of 3. He's a triplet! The Father of this child is Shukaku Ichibi (Sandlover13's OC for the club)Tsuki is my person favortie. He sooo adorable to me! X3 ♥
♥ I hope you guys like him! ♥
Name: Tsuki Ichibi/Yoshida
Age: Baby(For now)
Gender: Male
Species: Bobcat(Female-ish)
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde
Eye Color: Pure Silver
Personality: Shy, quiet, spends 80% of the time blushing
Likes: Tuna, reading, writing, going outside, full moons, his mother, milk
Dislikes: Going alone in public, etc.
Attack Types: Moon and Wind
Family: Shukaku Ichibi(Father), Yurikami Yoshida(Mother), Yumi and Yuki(Sister
and Brother)
Relationships: None yet
Friends: Jess, Yuri, and Chiyoko
Weapon: Samarai Sword
Favorite Song: N/A
Sayings: "... Nyuu."
Looks: Like Kyo Sohma from Fruit Basket (hairstyle that is.)
Clothing: Baby clothes for the time being. Like above.
History: N/A yet
Extra Info: Being the youngest of the three, Tsuki was always the old ball and picked on for his girlish looks. Also, for the first 3 years of his life, Tsuki can only Meow (a trait he gets from his mother) which gives Yuki another reason to tease him, even though they could understand every word he says. Tsuki is very sensitive and he hates being that way. He envys his brother for a long time and when the two is not fighting, Tsuki does whatever Yuki does. Tsuki is stronger than his sister since he as two tails, but he has no clue how to unleash that power, like his mother, and so he is the "weakess" of the three. Yet another reason for Yuki to tease him.
When Tsuki gets older, he REALLY matures. His neko ears turn into pointed ears, his power unleashes, and his feminineness disappears! At last he was good enough to compete with his brother. He also becomes a lady's man, like Yuki. Now the brother rivalry can REALLY begin. ^^
Oh yeah! The triplets are huge, not small like there mother. Okay? ^^