wow, time does a hell of a lot to us.
i remember how unfashionably dressed i was lol
and now i dressed in brand clothes like hollister and aeropostal
and how i was obsessed with anime and the big eyes that covered more than half of the face and now it makes me want to stab them in the face for being so creepy and too shiny animu-y
and how i thought make-up was for people who think they're too damn ugly
and now i wear make-up everyday...
yesh, time raped me good
but yeah major drawing change...BIG ASS CHANGE MAN, BIG CHANGE!!
i'm definitely loving this :D its slowly going from anime/unrealistic people to more uuhhh not anime and a bit more realistic
plus my coloring has improved, its weird since i've been so inactive on tegaki
lolololololololol it happens, when i don't do something for a certain period of time and decide to do it again it drastically improves
eeehhhh, i'm such a freak ha.ha
don't disagree its true