Creme Of Rolo (Fan Art Portfolio) Can I take your Order, please?

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This is my new OC, Cross. :D I loves him. It's always been hard for me to make male Ocs, so he is like. . and angel. xD Not really, cause hes yandere. Cute on the outside, evil to the core. xD But heh, yeah. So Him and his little borther, ace, are my new favorite guy OCs. They do not have a storyline yet, but thats OK! XD Since I though Cross was pretty darn awesome, I also through him into the "Shonen" challenge. Not that I'll win. X3

So anywhooooooooo, here's bio. . .thing. .

Name: Cross Kozlov
Age: 19
Birthday: January, 1, 1991 (Sagittarius)
Hair: white
Eyes: Ice Blue
Type: Yandere He's dangerous with spoons XD
Job: Waiter
Family: Ace (His Poor Little Brother)

Likes: Pandas, Knifes, Fish (They randomly disappear on his bad days), Ace, Tormenting. . .er. . .anything really, but mostly ace, his job, the sky, flying, high places, ballrooms.

Dislikes: The dark, underground, small places (Hes claustrophobic), Messy houses, Dirt, Cats, Butterflys (A odd fear of his.)

About the picture:

I drew it at 2:00AM in the morning cause I was WIRED and I wanted to create an OC for the new year. Him and Ace were born. :D Really, Some of Russia (Hetalia: Axis Powers) And Sebastien (Kuroshitsuji) Rubbed off onto him, but I'm still proud to say he is completely MINE. XD He took about a half-n-hour to sketch and bout half-hour to an hour to color. I AM SOOOO PROUD OF THE COLORING!!!! I was lazy and I winged it, but It came out pretty good! :D *nodnod*

(Do not steal my art)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
blue, cafe, cross, cute, guy, hair, order, shonen, waiter, white
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8 members Favoritefavorite
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SHOUNEN <3 !!!
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