Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Art Portfolio) The Stream of Yin Yang

The Stream of Yin Yang
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other title: 陰陽和合 (いんようわごう) The Harmony of Yin Yang Energies

HELLO ALL lol. It's been a long since I submitted something <.<; lol and something "good" >> HAPPY NEW YEAR AND LATE MERRY CHRISTMAS! *shot*

It's funny that I drew this and realized days after I started making this.. that this year is the year of the tiger! XD *shot down again* But, the real reason I made this, is because it's for my friend, Sesshy (it's weird for me to call her that e_e LOL). And I already had an idea for tigers and kois being together. >> lol The concept behind it.... harmony between two things: Tiger and Koi :D Since the tiger can eat the koi, it is just drinking from the stream. The koi feel safe with the tiger and swim around its almighty presence... in addition to this, .. or random fact, is when the koi finally jump off a waterwall, they turn into dragons :'D so I guess here, I applied the thought of them also being mighty in their own way ... .... (just secret undercover water dragons?! *shot*)

So I went for a Chinese painting look. I love Chinese paintings, they're very beautiful and I wish I had one >< LOL But I tried to replicate a Chinese painting feel to this.. but failed. I think I should have had less foliage and background and lighter colors.. xD I'll try again someday with another idea I have in mind :'D

I also wonder if my friend will see this? I'm testing her.. 8D LOL This is dedicated to her for all the presents and gifts she should have gotten from me >.>; LOL She loves tigers but loves white tigers the most. O: They're pretty *3* So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR, THIS-IS-FOR-THE-OTHER -THINGS-THAT-I'VE-ASKED-YOU-TO-DO GIFT SESSHY! *shot* >>;;;;

Mistakes in picture: tiger fur.... *shot* perspective of tiger... the fish in water... etc. >>; lol I know most of my mistakes ><; lol I hope you guys like :D

Medium: watercolor, pencil
Time taken: 8+ hours throughout the days? ._.
Edited in Photoshop

P.S. since my one of my goals for 2010 is to make more pictures, you might see more pictures from me later on.. hopefully. >> I still also need to complete an AP drawing as well.. sdjfsdfjdlf >> and -osoi- akemashite omedetou gozaimasu minna (-late- Happy New Year!)
m(_ _)m

Also, tiger reference used: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/White_tigers_drinking.jpg D8 I should have drawn him/her a little differently.. with the pose lol

Personal Fan Art
2010, akemashite omedetou gozaimasu, fishies, harmony, koi, new year, stream, tiger, tora, yang, year, year of tiger, yin
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