enin (Fan Art Portfolio) Conjuror of Tricks

Conjuror of Tricks
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"A wizard never bails. He lands precisely as he means to."

This is my submission for Flint's challenge to illustrate Gandalf the Grey doing a kickflip on a skateboard. Flint... I'm a 'Ringer', man. You had me at hello. When I first read about this challenge, despite the fact that I couldn't stop laughing, I was insanely excited. Not long after, I started doodling and this is what I ended up with.

As absurd as the concept is, this ended up being one of my favourite illustrations ever.

So with that said, let's cover a few details:

- I used a digital drawing technique different to what I've usually done before. It may not seem like a big change, but I feel a lot more satisfied with the turnout if I use this method. Hopefully, I can refine it a bit more for future pieces.

- Yes. His board is based off of his staff. I know the twisted wood design is completely impractical on a skateboard, but I felt Gandalf should have his staff in some form. It also looks ridiculous and amuses me to no end, so I kept it.

- If you haven't guessed, he's practicing tricks at the top of Minas Tirith, after a long day of doing research in the archives. I was trying to figure out a good place for skaters to do tricks with smooth ground (dirt paths and whatnot are skater HELL). What better place than the Numenor stonework of Minas Tirith?

- You won't be able to make it out, but the fountain guard in the background is beyond impressed. Gandalf lands his trick with ease, by the way. He's a WIZARD for goodness sake!

Anyway, this is for you, Flint. Hope ya get a kick out of it!

Let me know what you all think!

Lord of the Rings Fan Art
gandalf, grey, kickflip, lord of the rings, lotr, minas tirith, skate
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21 members Favoritefavorite
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The Greatest Challenge
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