dyanaanime (Fan Art Portfolio) Shane Sparkster

Shane Sparkster
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This is Shane, he was named after a good friend of mine (with his consent of course xD) and from my story named Teluria Shane is from one of Terra's colonies, Mechatronika. The mechatronikans are very adept at engineering and technical areas. They have developed into a very strong and sturdy race, although maintaining their human appearance. Even though his people are renowned for their abilities, Shane is a genius of his kind. Part of the original four-man team under Katya as captain and commander, he was the only one to survive the explosion of the sabotaged ship he was on due to his resistant nature. Shane is the best technician and engineer the Order has and he's kept his position throughout the years.
Shane is a goofy character, he loves to make people smile but he also has a cheeky side, loving to play pranks sometimes. He is a loyal and trustworthy friend, but as Katya has gained a hardened side through the flames of war. He can be very cold-blooded when innocent lives depend on it. His weapon of choice is an MX 53 sniper rifle he received at his enrollment. Despite being a very powerful and heavy weapon Shane is able to swing it around with ease and is a very good sharpshooter. His technical skills lead him to become an excellent pilot, being capable of flying any ship and doing an impressive number of evading and attack maneuvers.
Hope you like him Comments are very appreciated. Have fun and keep smiling
*crazy happy funny yoruichi smile*

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
shane, sparkster, teluria
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