This drawing entitled 'Reach' shows the dreams of a 19-year-old girl who longs to reunite with her family again...they were seperated around 13 years ago, by a complicated series of event where her realtives had 'fought' to become heir to their very rich grandfather's fortune...
Living with her foster parents, she now works as a singer at a bar...
Her Faith.
(LOL. Buffy likes making stories about her characters)...
Since I was very lazy to color this, I just shaded it and made a color gradient, plus a little bit of know, for that sorta 'dramatic' background effect...
As you can see, Faith has a very....*ran outta words*...
...err, 'dense' lips? (geez, am i even using the right words to describe that?)...i mean, for young anime's not kawaii at all..
But since she's a singer at a night bar, i just imagined that she had to dress up as if she were 30+...idk.