Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Art Portfolio) Constellation Wars Title

Constellation Wars Title
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MORE INFO ON THIS LATER ~ I'm in Videogame Design class right now yet I finished this :D So I thought I should submit it anyway xDDD This is for me and my friend's game~ =D It's the title screen for our game xD

EDIT 8:30 PM: OKAY! So in November or so of this past year, I had made a title screen for me and my friend's game just like this one. I loved it. It was absolutely awesome and the sad thing... that happened just OVER a weekend after I was done with it.... everything in my video game class folder WAS GONE. I was depressed for weeks since a lot of stuff and ideas were gone... just like the original of this. Now, I kind of gave up on video game class for a little while.. trying to get off the original title off of my mind D8 LOL I was a little more paranoid about putting stuff on a separate safer hard drive... in the room. So this month, I worked on a new title.. and I was trying to make it better than the original.. since I remembered some mistakes in the original. Now, I think Anser (the guy) looks bleh in this one, (I guess) but Vulpecula looks WAY better in this one xD Her hand is smaller :'D.

Oh, and when I mean original (since the ORIGINAL ORIGINAL title screen of the video game is in my portfolio -you can find it 2 drawings before this one?- ... yeah, it's not the same. This is new and improved, baby. lol

If I could have retrieved the old deleted one... then I would have uploaded it. (I tried retrieving it in the computer but it failed.. .__.) I'm all better now though with losing some of my stuff.. at least the old old stuff (character sprites, whole entire game....) wasn't lost as much..

Anywho, I hope you guys like it and hopefully the game will be done this year D': I love it and I really don't know what else to make.. ;A; LOL I really have a lot of ideas to add for this game... yet I still need to develop scripting and more programming ideas to make it better and harder than it is lol and WAY more fun... If you want to play a little bit of it.. I could let you play some of it. It's an .exe file and it's not with all the new features.. I guess. :|

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anser, constellation wars, design, game, seiza no sensou, sprite, title, video, video game, video game design, vulpecula
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