nikuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Lady Death

Lady Death
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Miharu Mori ,my other Oc(Senyiang sister).
LIFE STORY;As her twin ,Senyiang,Kia-Wan-Chi(Ki-chi),was born in a rich family.But she grew up in a different way that her sister.Kichi was chosen from her parent’s to stay and live with them(As I told you… this cause -every 15 years when the descendant of the Chi dynasty gave birth to twin babies, their fate would be to fight and kill each-other in a match at the last breath).Mioshi ,her father, thought that growing Kia was the right decision(cause he thought that Senyiang was the evil twin)but in fact was the opposite ,with the passing of the years Kia grew up and mutated from that lovely baby in a horrible monster!Her grandfather always knew that she could be dangerous for their family and pleased his son(Mioshi)to give Kia in adoption or send her in a sanatorium(He got this ideas cause he saw so many times Kia talking with her self ,and staring for hours on her mother bird’s cage).Ytomo always refused to teach Kia, specially the dragonfly technique,because he was afraid of what kind of monster his nice would become,but learning that technique wasn’t necessary for Kia to became a death machine she already was half mad,able with different weapons(specially double fans),and also very dangerous…..Her grandfather answer was just a way to unleash her madness and fury…
At only 13 she destroys completely the Chi residence,and also killed all those who were living there…The police never doubt of her as the responsible for that mutilation( she was only a kid),and decided to send her in an orphan school where she could learn and have a normal life.At 15 she escaped and started her life as a criminal….Hideo Noriochima,leader of the Jacuzza,got impressed from Kia’s ability on killing her victims(he saw her while she was dividing four man in two parts)and shocked but exited at the same time from that scene ,he decided to make her member of his group.Years passed and Kia created a new life…Now she was called Miharu Mori and was a famous theatre actress, she performs only in well-known & well-paid shows…But Kia never left behind her past,she continued her life as a criminal,(she was now Hideo’s right arm,and also she was well known as the “snake charmer” as she could steal Hideo’s heart&love)…until one day she learns that someone was looking for her….Senyiang!(she knew since she was young about her twin,and she always felt jealous about it),the idea of being the only Chi descendant burned in her insane mind all the time(even if she hated all the Chi members).However she couldn’t kill her sis at the moment cause the police were doubting on her for a crime happened some months ago…that’s why Kia disappeared for some time ,waiting for the waters to calm….At last she finally meet her sister and fight her(but I shall tell you more about it in an other pic).In this pic she is performing in one of her spectacles,(I know it’s horrible),but please comment I need to know what you think of her.F or those who doesn’t know her sister,here you go:
To my friend Warner as a B-day giftHAPPY BIRTHDAY

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
acting, assasin, criminal, curse, dance, dragonfly, kia-chi, mori miharu
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