hanawa (Fan Art Portfolio) Kengo Akechi

Kengo Akechi
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Ah I barely made it!

Anyway, this dude here is a super intelligent police detective (a superintendent), Kengo Akechi from Kindaichi: Shounen no Jikembo manga and anime (I've tried to find Kindaichi in theO's Anime/Manga Category but there isn't any so I've to put it under Personal category...)

Okay on to the character. At first, I really REALLY hate him 'cause he's soooo mean. And he may appear snobbish and arrogant due to his sky-high IQ and to-drool-for appearance, but in fact, as the story progresses, I found that he's very much caring and always willing to help/bail people out of trouble, although he wouldn't admit it~ He's a Japanese, yet he's quite proficient in English and French, and is always seen reading newspapers in the two languages (psst: He looks kakkoi!). Akechi also plays the violin, which makes him super HAWT~! His age... I think he's 20++? O.o?

Anyway I've tried looking for good pictures of him, but because it's a very VERY old anime/manga, it's kinda hard. So yeah, these are some of the pictures that I've found: HERE, HERE, and HERE.

As for the fan art, I used pencils for the sketch and inked with drawing pens (Unipin fine line). Finally I added some shades via pencil.

Hanawa aka Hana

Personal Fan Art
fanart, hanawa, kengo akechi, kindaichi shonen no jikembo, shounen
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