makopyro (Fan Art Portfolio) Another of my OCs

Another of my OCs
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Name: Seraph Leon Angelo

Age: ???

Hair color: White

Eye color: A mix of Light Lavender and light pink

Wing color: Frost blue

Being: Soul

Soul Element: Water

Class: Valoren

Weapon: Scythe

Personality: Kind, willing to help other who are hurting or suffering, caring, has a hard time opening up or connecting, prefers to shoulder pain both physical and emotional, will take on an injury for another, if caught off guard can be easily seduced (very rare)

Spells and incantations:
Freeze something or create a block of ice: Crescent moon that controls the tides! Bestow thy power upon me! Freeze!
Freeze chooses targets within a chosen range: (can be instantly lethal by choice but take up a lot of energy) Crescent moon that glides across the frozen heavens! Frozen Space!
Shoot a high pressure shot of water from palm: (No incantation required) Usually causes little to no damage and pushes enemy away over a fairly long distance
Uses water as a medium to heal: (No incantation required) Can lessen degree of wound or completely heal it in an instant but takes more time if the wound is more grave.
Creates sharp pillars of ice forming a wall: (can be useful for various purposes either defensive or offensive; for best results, recommended maximum height 75ft, thickness 30ft, length ½ a mile) Mirroring Pillars of Ice! Rise from Earth to Sky! Ice Wall!

Bio : My name is Seraph Leon Angelo. I am what is known as a Valoren. Valoren are the strongest being a soul can become. One can train to be a Valoren but they must keep their soul pure with the exception of the Fire element and the Dark Element. Truth be told, I was created souls who were funded by the RMC or Residence Military Campaign. They wanted a Valoren they could control and use to fight against other Valoren but it was a failure and came out with a normal Valoren… Me…

Residence are wicked souls with enormous spiritual strength but it comes no where near that a Valoren. A souls natural state is something like a flame while a Residence soul is more like a dark mist. They’re trained to be brutes. Residence or any other soul with enough strength can form a physical body. To humans, Residence are dangerous. The only way a human can detect one is when it inhabits the body. They will start having nightmare about death in general. Eventually, soul is torn apart as they lose sanity. Most souls are bitter to normal human souls because they do not have a physical body. It’s easier for them to take over one than become strong enough to make a physical body. Residence I slay on the spot while I can attempt to purify normal souls.

I was born disguised as a human soul. I lived a human life up till my 18th birthday. In which I became what I truly am, and so I am the only Valoren with a human heart. The only Valoren who can love, be compassionate, be sad and be happy. Once my body, broke down. I separated from it and took a physical form.

I worked alone for years at time. Occasionally, lending my aid to one whom usually catches my interest.

Side notes: My wings always seem to be covered in frost. And spells of ice can be reinforced with spiritual energy making them as a hard as diamond.

Personal Fan Art
angel, holy, magic caster, pure, scythe, soul, spiritual, valoren, water
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