Eiri Yuki s Lover (Fan Art Portfolio) Tears Mixed With Blood

Tears Mixed With Blood
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Who is this person i see___I do not know___Why does he have your face___He is a stranger __He may look like you

But i do not know him___As you gaze adoringly into her eyes___I comb through my memories

Searching for one that matches___When i come up empty handed___I feel the hatred and jealousy fill me

Yet when you turn your smile on me___Those feelings seem to melt___And all i feel is the numbing sadness

That makes me want to cry___And that very same sadness i feel___Makes me want to die

~Well here is my entry for the Emotions challenge. Yes i know it is kinda different from my usual art, but it is perfect for this. This is how i felt when my dad left. He acts so different around his girlfriend that sometimes i feel like im looking at a stranger. He tore apart our lives and yet he smiles so casually now and he is always hugging her and kissing her in front of me and my brother meanwhile my poor mother tries so hard to keep a roof over our head. I feel so angry at him, yet when i see him i know i still love him...he is my dad. My mom and brother hate him and get mad at me sometimes because i cant hate him. They dont understand, or they think im on his side. What they dont realize is that their words cut me like a knife and mingle with the pain, confusion, and disgust i feel at myself. All those feelings are at war in my heart and threaten to tear me apart. This picture shows that pain. My wish to simply give up and die. I know i cant and i wont, but the pain is still there. So i let that pain escape through my art. The part at the top is part of...well i dont know what it is really. Lyrics or a poem...but anyway it goes with the picture and also gives voice to my feelings. so there u have it. My inspiration and my entry. I hope u guys like it.

Medias used:
color pencils

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
blood, cutter, depression, despair, hate, madness, me, pain, tears
9 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
mimistar98 Gravity4Ever Shimaru Otakupop89 cheriblosomchibi littlepooch Blood Moon Wolf Ryochi30 Miracle Star19
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