Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Dyson frost

Dyson frost
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I am loving the theO category selector, you just type what you want and it finds it. If only all sites were like that they would be so much more enjoyable.

So anyway here we go for the second time. I was going to do this earlier but was not happy enough to do so ~ Laughs ~ A little editing later (which you can see if you look hard enough ~ Winks ~) and we are going to see how far we get this time.

This is my first realism study in a little while, and I have to admit that it was quite an adjustment going from abstract images from when I draw my ideas, to seeing a full picture that I have to try and render perfectly. It is that perfection I think that stopped me submitting last time, but I think I am generally okay with it now. Well at that point where one worries more fettling could destroy the image.

So anyway, why this picture?

Well because my mind decided to torture itself ~ Glares at it ~ Nah, I drew this because right now I think this is the closest I can get to drawing a likeness of Magnus in reality as he appears in the comics. Ian is okay in the movies but Magnus generally doesn't look like that and so I do, I admit, go around examining people for possible real life matches. This guy, Dyson Frost, had been on the radar a little but was dismissed until a freak pausing of an episode of Flashforward (The Garden Of Forking/Forked Paths - the one this is taken from) caused me to see an image very much like one I have hung on my wall which was taken from House Of M. As soon as my mind made that connection it had to draw an image of this guy...alas it did not tell me that it would come under the rules that govern trying to do any image of Magnus ~ Groans ~ These rules weren't as strict as those rules, but when I had to draw the outline there were wars meaning I started this on Wednesday and finished tonight. So yea that is the background, complicated huh?

As for my views of the drawing itself, well apart from the annoyance about the skin tones (he is in shadow in the picture, I shall add it at the end) so some of that was guess work, his lips (I still can't stand those), and the fact people's eyes go odd when they turn half sideways, another thing I can't stand, I guess this is okay. On a personal level my favourite part to work on was his hair ~ Laughs ~ I have a thing about hair, I could just imagine well yea ~ Drags mind away from gutter ~ Shading the skin was quite nice as well, even if I never really got the end result I exactly wanted.

Gah I love that hair ~ Turns away from sofa where real image is ~ So I guess I should end this before I get carried away.

This was drawn in pencils and took err....good question I don't know exactly how long it took. Maybe 8-10 hours at a very vague guess? The issues my mind had working on this meant it was bits and pieces over the week.

Oh yea, and if you are curiuous this is the original:


Many thanks for reading and I hope your retinas and err minds are in tact, I almost went a little fangirly there ~ Fans self ~ Just managed to hold it off ~ bursts out laughing and spins ~ Curses, now I am hyper when I should be getting ready to go to bed ~ Shakes fist at theO,


PS: He has his arms crossed, that is why he looks a little weird in the chest/arm area, and at a guess I think I Magnusified him slightly ~ Raises eyebrow ~ Cool word, but yea you will see that if you compare. It was unconscious but it is my excuse as to why it doesn't look exactly like Dyson ^_~

Other TV Fan Art
dyson frost, flashforward, the garden of forked paths
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