Sashyfrassy (Fan Art Portfolio) Mourning

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He's kind of mourning...i didn't know what else to call this. when all you listen to is Silent hill music, sad ideas like this sorta come to mind even if it doesn't look sad. The story behind this really is.
aside from that. this is another of my neglected characters, Runo. like always. i love this guy but i don't show him enough love.
little about him: He's the last surviving member of his clan meaning he's the last coyote demon ever in my story. His family was massacred and he witnessed it all. He was so traumitized by it that he went blind. That all happened when he was 7-8 years old. He was rescued by Sataku (demon lord of western regions) and from there grew up in the wolf demon village and in Sataku's very large house (i want Sataku's house. it's gorgeous and cool)
From there, Runo dedicated his life to serving the wolf demons because they saved his life. He became a very powerful swordsman and was the best in all the lands at the age of 16. He now trains people he finds worthy and those who will become powerful warriors one day. How can he be so great and powerful when he can't even see?!?! well, simply, there's nothing to fool his eyes. He can't be led on by stupid illusions or tricks. He relys on his keen senses and that's what gives him the advnatage in fights.
Sadly though, on a mission he gets caught in an ambush and is left pinned under a giant boulder, half his face and shoulder crushed. They managed to keep him alive by putting a metal covering over the serious wounds and also because Sasori (healer dude who helped Runo) is also a spirit and has those kind of magical powers to keep people alive for a little while :)
After his accident, he becomes far more cold and distant. Many notice his more icy demeanor and steer clear of him. But once he takes Zylar under his trainings, he begins to come out of his shell because Zylar isn't the most respectful of people and proves to be a challenge to train, much to Runo's pleasure.
well there you have it. A bit of info on Runo. i hope to add more things on him since he really is an interesting character that is so underrated in my stry :( i'm mean to him.
fave comment hug
on a side's my last week of school!!!!! i can't wait for summer. Exams suck though

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
cloudy, mourning, red, sad
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