xlolfishx (Fan Art Portfolio) Passage to the Mind, Door to the Heart

Passage to the Mind, Door to the Heart
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The song I chose is Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki. The first time I heard this song it was an instrumental version and I fell in love with it straight away. Back then I didn't know it was a Japanese song, let alone that it had lyrics at all. I'm not sure whether it's the chord progressions or the beautiful melody or what but for some reason I find this song fabulous.

I can't describe the way I feel when I hear the song with words, nor can I describe this picture with words, but the picture describes the way I feel when hearing the song, and that's what art is supposed to do so it all works.

Normally if I drew a picture with a lead pencil I would not colour it with colour pencils with out inking it first, but with this I made an exception. I think it worked out well as the colours and lead pencil shading blending just the way I wanted it to. Unfortunately scanners and cameras do no justice to pencil drawings. I used SAI to touch it up a bit but it's still not as great as the original.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ayumi, ayumi hamasaki, dearest, emotion, hamasaki, heart, song
13 votes thumb
12 members Favoritefavorite
Kailith miableachgirl Animeaddict17 LemonsAndLimes saki 1234 inufluffy12 Blood Moon Wolf arcticwulf VWBSZWAS
Member Dedication
Love Music 사랑 음악(digital&traditional)
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