The song I chose is Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki. The first time I heard this song it was an instrumental version and I fell in love with it straight away. Back then I didn't know it was a Japanese song, let alone that it had lyrics at all. I'm not sure whether it's the chord progressions or the beautiful melody or what but for some reason I find this song fabulous.
I can't describe the way I feel when I hear the song with words, nor can I describe this picture with words, but the picture describes the way I feel when hearing the song, and that's what art is supposed to do so it all works.
Normally if I drew a picture with a lead pencil I would not colour it with colour pencils with out inking it first, but with this I made an exception. I think it worked out well as the colours and lead pencil shading blending just the way I wanted it to. Unfortunately scanners and cameras do no justice to pencil drawings. I used SAI to touch it up a bit but it's still not as great as the original.