Okay so after entering the Poke Ginjinka Mania contest, I felt like I didn't want Abbie to be alone, so I spent all night (I'm not joking! I literally worked until the sun began to rise =oAo;=) and some of today to make Alegra!
She's big... in many ways XD If I were playing the game (or even in the pokemon series or rp-ing...), I would've caught Alegra after Abbie. Abbie's got a weakness for women, so when Alegra came along, he nearly had a heart attack and foamed at the mouth! XD
Alegra doesn't take no guff X3 She uses the fan to attack close and long range (it's like a boomerang... =vuv=) She also has a whip... yeah, she's sado XD;; Don't mess with her during that time of the month, either, unless you enjoy being mutilated... =o.o;= Luckily, she'll respect and protect her trainer =^_^;=
So enjoy what Abbie would call her "Nice body da!" XD lmao I lost precious sleep being obsessed with making a woman for once XD So I really like her, and I hope you do too! =ouo=~<3
Have a nice day!~