wolf of sorrow (Fan Art Portfolio) Feel The Freedom

Feel The Freedom
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"Rise and Shine"
Home Made Kazoku

Wake up and feel the freedom!
With the key to a new world in your hand
Knock, knock, knock, open that door
Let’s spread our wings and fly
Break out! Look up to the sky
We head towards the beginning of a wonderful era
Knock, knock, knock, cast away your doubts
Let’s break off our armor and step forward

Listen here. (Track plays til :48. There's also other great songs on there!)

When I listen to this song, I can't help but think of oranges and yellows paint splatter and swirls. Really bright and fun things. :] I wanted to put in a sun pattern and a sunflower, but that requires traditional from me. Yeah, but when I concentrate on my music and let my imagination flow, I tend to think along the lines of an abstract Ipod commercial. Odd, I know.

This was my first time at digital. I used paint.net. I tried my hand at Paint Tool Sai but that thing is confusing! I worked on it for 6 hours. It was getting to midnight and I have work early in the morning, so I had to quit. I couldn't save or else it would flatten my layers, and I was terrified that the program would freeze and I would lose all my work. I realize now that my font should've been bigger. =

Anywho... TAADAAA. I have a good song that I want to actually draw this time.

I wonder if this is good enough to send to them on twitter. . . <o< Probably not. Then again I may just be the stalker enthusiastic, crazy person I am and send it to them anyway. :D:D

I sent it to Micro on twitter! Of course though, the only time he doesn't want to hop on twitter is when I send the blasted thing. Life is so cruel to me! *cries*

Home Made Kazoku Fan Art
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14 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
pandaman08 hiding2survive Razing Phoenix Linden Rathan Morbid Dollie
Member Dedication
Linden Rathan
Love Music 사랑 음악(digital&traditional)
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