so, this is my poketeam from emerald! ah, I loved that game! *_*
well, that's my team stats:
1-HANIEL (flygon, male) ground,dragon (my green dragon! I never thought that an ugly trapinch would evolve in a beautiful flying dragon.. but I should know.. just look at feebas! XD)
2-GAMALIEL (noctowl, male)normal,flying (it took sooo long to found a hoothoot!! >_< ^^ .. I was sick of pidgeot or swellow as a choice for flying pokemon, so I opted for a noctowl)
3-IDRAEL (milotic, male)water (found a damn feebas was hardest than to find hoothoot!! when I finally found it... OBVIOUSLY,it didn't evolve! so, I had to catch another.. *sigh* so much time for this! but now I finally obtained a milotic!! *w*)
4-LOKI (sableye, male) dark,ghost (I like the psychotic look I gave him! XD well, apart this, he was one of my first pokemon.. <3)
5-NEMESIS (absol,female) dark (the only female in my team.. she has an attack for almost any element, so she's POWERFUL! MWAHAHA >:D XD )
6-LUCIFER (houndoom, male) dark,fire (he's the strongest of the team..I never lost using him! I love houndoom! in fact, I love all dark-type pokemon XD)
(the name of most of my pokemon are angel's names, as you can see in flygon,milotic,noctowl; the others are names of evil gods/angels or anything that's just EVIL! XD)