Driffter (Fan Art Portfolio) Purple Kimono

Purple Kimono
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This is my fail version of a kimono and a sakura tree. . .

It's supposed to be my OC Ralph. . .@A@;;

  • [Q] When did you begin drawing? [A] I don't really know the answer to that question, I've been drawing all my life. . .when did I seriously start drawing is another question, though; I probably really started drawing back in 2000.
  • [Q]Did you create your own style or is it an inspiration/mixture of many different famous styles? [A] I'd like to say I created my own style, but that's not entirely true. Some of my favorite artists who inspired me are: Aya Kanno, Kouyu Shurei, Sang-Sun Park, Jung Hyun Uhm, and Mi-Kyung Yoon , Oh! And Tim Burton also was an inspiration. I guess I like the more cool and elegant look; not so much the big eyed anime thing. I go for detail and beauty(which I can never manage).
  • [Q]How long have you been sticking to your style? [A] I've been with this style for about two years now, it's a lot more "me" than trying to copy other artists, which is what I was doing before.
  • [Q]Are you satisfied enough to keep your style going far into the future or do you still think there is room for improvement? [A] Hahaha, "is there room for improvement?" Hell yeah! I suck at digital art and any sort of coloring. D: I'd also like to refine my style, make it a bit more. . .witchy. xD
Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
challenge, driffter, fail, kimono, moon, oc, purple, ralph, sakura, sky, stars, tree
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