dreamkitty (Fan Art Portfolio) Cheshire Cat I

Cheshire Cat I

Hey hey hey!
Goodness Gracious I'm behind on uploading! D:)
Well anyways this is one of many Cheshire Cats out there, but this one in particular is the Big Daddy (actually not really, just in my Wonderland Rp) this one in particular is part of the first generation of Wonderlanders who's father of Cheshire Cat II whose name is Chester who is part of the second generation of Wonderlanders who had has a son [and a daughter but right now isn't important] who is Cheshire Cat III in whose name is Lucifer in which is part of the third generation of Wonderlanders (They breed like roaches! :U) Yes, I myself think it is very confusing and is a mouthful to say and even though I'm saying all this in my mind my brain is just about ready to explode (in fact it's screaming)
Anyways, he's mentally insane just like his son (not his grandson Lucifer, that boy is very serious and doesn't even smile! You wouldn't even know he's a Cheshire!) except almost worst, but maybe not as violent =.=;;
I shall continue on the backbreaking journey to catch up on uploading my sketches and stuff (since I'm months behind- woops)
Oh, and please note that I will not take art thieves lightly and I wouldn't even try to test me if I were you! Stealing is against the law and that too counts for as on the internet world, so please don't do so cause I will manage to block you from whatever website it is you are posting my art and claiming it as your own- OR WORST! So please ,if you will, if you are using any of my works for something or posting it on another website please NOTIFY me ASAP before use and give me credit for my work (same goes for every artist out there! Remember to give them credit for their work!)
(be glad I summed up that paragraph- it was originally very threatening and took up half the box here! Took me about 30 minutes to write that so please take your time to read it in case you qualify- which I surely hope not or else I'll be lying awake at night scared somebody will kidnap my drawings)
Thank you to those of you who took the time to read this- I felt it necessary
Oh yeah, and enjoy!

Took about.... I forgot how long it took, probably an hour or two, three, ten, or days
All it took was my trusty mechanical pencil, eraser, and my completely destroyed sketch book =.= pages are always flying everywhere, guh!

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Fan Art
alice in wonderland, cat, cheshire cat, dreamkitty, man, maniac, smile, wonderland
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