KungPowChicken (Fan Art Portfolio) A Stroll in the Garden

A Stroll in the Garden
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“My Lady!” I heard his voice as it carried through the garden. I didn’t bother to turn around to greet him as he came.
“My Lady, your mother said you forgot you parasol,”
“Oh, she said that, does she honestly think of me as a fool.” I said as I looked ahead and making no eye contact with the man following me.
“She only said that to make it seem like she cares about me James, can’t you see, she’s playing us as fools,” I sighed with a bit of disgust.
“My Lady, is that how you truly feel?”

The Master:
Claire Moore
Age: 17/18
Info: As the middle child of a wealthy family, is neglected by her own parents and siblings. She hopes that she can achieve power of their wealth and be accepted as a heir.
The Butler:
James (Last Name Unknown)
Age: Around 550+
Info: There isn’t much to James except that he is Claire’s Butler although he also serves the whole family. He came into the family when Claire was 14 years old and will serve her until her true desire becomes a reality.
Sorry, again no Back story, just a little scene story and the infos. But Yeah I rushed with this one, and I’m still not happy with this picture or my first one.. But I am thankful that HimekaLeafNinja allowed me to redo my entry…though I feel like I cheated.. I kinda hought she should have just disqualified me in the first place, I mean it’s my own fault I couldn’t follow the rules XDD But, I nothingmore to say except that I love Claire’s hair. XD

FYI: I just made these characters for the challenge, so don't plan on seeing me draw them in the future..I don't like having fan characters >3<

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Art and Characters © Me, KungPowChicken

Kuroshitsuji Fan Art
black butler, butler, garden, kuroshitsuji, master, stroll, together, victorian
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Kuroshitsuji :D
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