Lyrical Mami (Fan Art Portfolio) Lady in my Life (Style Contest)

Lady in my Life (Style Contest)
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Taking it back to my first major fan fic, All Grown Up. Back to '07! lol Sesshoumaru, Naraku, Naima.

When did you begin drawing?
Middle School. That is when I first got the inspiration to draw anime. I remember it too, because there was this boy in class who was like the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh fan ever! And everyday, he’d come to class with something Yu-Gi-Oh; cards, clothes, toys, you name it. So, one day he comes into class with a manga magazine. All of the anime fans are hovering around him trying to see the magazine and passing it around. Finally one of my friends gets it and asks if I want to look at it with her. I said yes and began to look at the book. It just so happened that the mag had the shoujo genre in it too. There was a lot of shoujo to choose from but the art style of Sailor Moon and Angel Sanctuary stood out to me most. It was then that the idea of drawing anime art resonated with me.

Did you create your own style or is it an inspiration/mixture of many different famous styles?
It’s hard to pin-point any single artist as my source of inspiration because each part of the anatomy is inspired by different artists. Basically the whole jist of my art style is that I wanted to have a sexy, ethnic look with anime roots. Aaron McGruder inspired me to develop this kind of design. I greatly admire the style that he uses for “The Boondocks”. So I looked, studied, and practiced until I developed my style and it took a long time to get it to where I wanted it to be. I mean a looooong time, lol. I’m still evolving.

How long have you been sticking to your style?
It’s been a while now. The same basic style is the same except for a few tweaks. Most of my artist evolution has been in how I color. It is a VAST improvement from where I started, lol.

Are you satisfied enough to keep your style going far into the future or do you still think there is room for improvement?
As it is right now, I’m pretty much satisfied, but of course there is always room for improvement. I’m still trying a find a set way to draw chibis, though. However, at the moment, my main focus is in improving my coloring techniques.

Inuyasha Fan Art
all grown up, demon, inuyasha, lyrical mami, naima, naraku, sesshoumaru
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5 members Favoritefavorite
omnia1 luffysister Naomi Bear Miracle Star19 supersaiyanjounin
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