Yours Truly (Fan Art Portfolio) Love The Bat colored

Love The Bat colored
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Gahhhh, first fully shaded picture since the NYAF contest picture. D:<

Mostly because my computer likes to slow down and act so STUPID when I want to blend and smudge. Its mind numbing how freaking slow it goes and all the noise the computer makes. Thus lack of practicing fully CGing my pictures but my computer was behaving through this. LETS HOPE IT STAYS THAT WAY.

Any who, everything in the picture I did except for the hearts because I got lazy. I wanted to draw a custom brush but I again… laziness. The clouds were a first from me, I was trying to paint them and they didn’t come out like I wanted but I still like them. I used a blur filter on them so yeah you don’t see them in detail.

Coloring Love was so much fun and it was nice to freak’n blend something rather then cell shade. I was afraid I was going to forget how to do it which I did a little bit but I managed. (Wants better computer to practice on) Overall I really like how the picture and the background came out. Even though I like to abuse textures and such for my backgrounds I love painting them as well. I want to do that more often. :3

Dedicated to aragorn because I thought it would be nice. XD(running out of things to say)

Long artist comment was long 8X

And just for kicks and giggles here is again Love’s personality (copy pasta yay):

Love a fruit bat and loves eating colorful and romantic fruits like strawberries, and passion fruit. She also LOVES chocolate and cream. she’s a fanatic over them and probably get plump because of it haha. Her other favorites are Bright colors, pastel colors, pretty clothes and filly dresses. Love most dislikes are probably very bitter and tart foods, unromantic rude people, mute and dark colors.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anthro, bat, brown, cute, furry, hearts, kawaii, love, pink, purple, wings
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