CreamyTea (Fan Art Portfolio) Contest Entry ~ Princess Debut

Contest Entry ~ Princess Debut
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I never want to CG again…
But that’s the feeling I get when I stay up all night trying to finish a seriously big art.
*sigh*….That’s what I for not remembering the deadlines of contests…. > 3 >“
Now my fingers hurt badly. = ~ =

But enough complaining!~ It’s getting me no where!

This is entry for reirei’s game contest.
The prize was really cool so I thought I’d enter.
And the game I’m drawing is… PRINCESS DEBUT!

*Super short Review* My english skills are awful, sorry
Basiclly, you are sent to a kingdom in a parrallel world where you have to dance and find a partner. It's like a combination between rhythm game and dating sim. The storyline is very well done and everyone in there has wonderful personalities.
Here's the characters: *may contain spoilers* (I wrote the descriptions so its basiclly my opinion on them)
Vince- (Yellow hair) fun loving and likes to pull pranks. Very shouta~ = u =
Liam- (green hair) He likes flowers... and his sister Olive. - 3 - Very kind. But i don't really like him
Cesar- (purple pink hair) Flirty romanitic person who likes roses. He could be quite annoying sometimes... And the accsessory the gives you in the final ball Saint-Lyon is.... * ~ *
Sabrina (you)- (brown hair girl) You'll be role-playing as her. He's a princess.
Luciano- (black hair) My favourite out of all those princes. He has bad sense of direction... The accessory he gives you in the final ball is VERY pretty! <33
Klaus- (red hair) Most girls seem to like him... > ___>" Very popular...
Kiefer- (platnium hair) intellegent and cool. Can only be unlocked when you complete the story once.
Tony- (blonde hair) *MAJOR SPOILER* He's your dance instructor. He's a rabbit until...If you haven't found a partner for Saint-Lyon, he will dance with you. After you two win, he will transform into this charming prince.

Well that's about it.
I wrote too much.... > 3 >"
And sorry for posting art so frequently.
But Please enjoy~

Princess Debut Fan Art
cute, game illust, games, natsume, princess, princess debut
77 votes thumb
62 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Game Illust.. *win premium*
Sourced By
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