Yup, I went ahead and drew the head yesterday and started doing the body today.
I like her huge Sweater and Boots.
Pretty much she uses the sweater often as a dress type deal, Normally it can be very bloody, Just because shes like that, But normally it can just be plain.
Her hair pretty much stays Black, But it varies, She dyes it Black and Red or Black and White.
She loves her tall boots.
Oh She may look like a guy but its a girl.
Shes got a lip ring.
Her hair is always a mess.
Dedicated to Dei-chan!
Why? Because me and her were talking about my Old Character Storm Lightning/ Rage.
And basically I told her I grew out of her and decided she Died. >.>
She got killed by Godzilla. Hugs for Godzilla? Anyone? No? D:
Anyways as the title says She needs a name!!