So after an hour or so fumbling around with the background I decided to leave it “blank”. So much time wasted. -__-0
So this is my heart shugo chara, and she doesn’t have a name yet. But she represents the part of me that wants to be more romantic LAWL. I like romance, affection, and stuff but after a certain point it hits a dead end. So yeah, having a shugo chara in that department would be awesome. She doesn’t just represent romance but passion (of all kinds) and unconditional love too. *w*
I didn’t really set out a personality for her but I know that she’s sweet, caring, and kinda motherly. Her symbol is a lacey heart but I forgot to add that in. I haven’t thought out a definite design for our chara nari but I know it will involve lots of red, hearts, and sparkles (never did that before hohohoho).
Dedicated to Angel because he is so sweet! X3
Thanks for looking and enjoy! :D