O wow it's a new record for this one 2 hrs 34 mins!
So on first comment I would like to say , C.C thanks for all those great dedications :3 . I wanted to give you something and also wanted to draw something unusual.This is a rare frog,you feel like if you could grab it but the frog is not bigger than a coin.I know you like small delicate animals and so I think this avatar will suit you greatly.
Frog and art info:
It's really a cool name to be named Phantasmal frog.I changed so many things of the reference picture.I even made my own brush to make the spots.There are so few of them since this frog is so weird.So I had to make up with imagination and crativity.Feel the frog,imagine you could touch it's wet cold sliperry skin (since it be a bit dangerous in reality).Can you feel the humid air of the artwork? What else can you see?It's probaly a frog you will never see in real life.
frog!there is more that meets the eye!!
I been turning//becoming more and more an expectator of my own pics O_o.
About today,it was really a miracle I had the time to do this.Thanks god for the mistery of the speed skill I been having lately.I checked all todays artworks and hope I have time to draw a bit,probably not much.I still owe a bunch of pics,well hope time helps again!
I'm 100% happy with this one,big hugs to all!