KungPowChicken (Fan Art Portfolio) Little Guro Chan

Little Guro Chan
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This is my entry for the Lolita for Life Challenge. The challenge was to draw a Lolita style that you enjoy/like( I assumed XD ) The reason why I joined was because back a year or so ago, I enter someone's contest similar to this idea, EXCEPT I didn't know much about Lolita styles so I failed epicly. Now I'm back to redeem myself and call myself a somewhat Lolita expert. XD I did my research this time!

Anyways, I probably figure most would probably do Gothic Lolita, Sweet Lolita or Classic Lolita (I like them as well) since those styles are the most common but the style that I find the most fascinating is the Guro Lolita. Guro lolita seems to have two approaches to it, one being the broken dolly look( having blood but yet with an innocence) or the psychotic girlie (which I love to a limit.) So guess which path I chose!... Okay I kinda mixed Guro with Gothic Lolita, But it worked! :D Hopefully it is creepy enough so people will like it and not get myself banned. lol
But I really love this piece despite the fact on how "messed up" it is, I worked really hard on this, plus I love my color scheme. I just used neutral colors+red which made it more grotesque. :D
I'm also proud because I used watercolors for the grey background thing.(not the heart, that's copic marker lol)

I may do another entry for a different style, but I just wanted to redeem myself and my new knowledge of Lolita fashion! and Now I really want to dress up as one o3o. XD

And Just a disclaimer, you don't like it, don't look at it. I understand people don't like certain things but it doesn't mean you have to shoot the artist down for something they drew that you don't care for. So show some respect. OR if you don't have the stomach, that's alright, I can understand. :3

Comments, Hugs and Faves Please!
No Stealing, Flaming/Hating Please!

Art © Me, KungPowChicken

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
blood, guro, guro lolita, hatchet, lolita, massacre, neutral, psycho, red, style
24 votes thumb
22 members Favoritefavorite
vampyre1998 AnimeRaider13 envythejealous IChiTa vdr-07 cheriblosomchibi Yuuki Kross smoking crimson aoneko littlepooch nightmaya aminesick NekoTenshiEmi Miracle Star19 Pikmin541 Stocking Saerily
Member Dedication
Lolita for life!
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