Bluesen (Fan Art Portfolio) .We All Die.

.We All Die.
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The Little Prince looked to his little patch of strawberries, then slowly back to his faithful servant

"Prof?" The Little Prince muttered softly. "When winter comes, will my strawberries die?"

Prof nodded sadly.

"We all die, My Prince."

"...Even you, Prof?"

"Even I."

---(Excerpt form Original Story, "Pallas 13")


It is a wonder to me as we grow that we begin to fathom the passing of our lives. As children, we never took notice of such a thing. Life was what it was and we lived it in carefree bliss.

Then, what changed as we grew older?

We became more aware of ourselves and what we deem our lives to be. We saw then in our later childhood that we would not be forever young. We would grow old.

We would eventually pass away.

So I entered this picture as a symbol from my own story that life does come to an end, and just as the little seed we grew in the plastic cups as children died off or as the family pet died, so do we. It can be veiwed as a tragidy, but it is a circle and we are all part of a cycle of life. It is important that we know that everyone you know will not always be there.

Cherish them now. Don't wait for winter.

(This picutre is copyrighted to Bluesen12. Please do not steal.)


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
blue, bluesen12, chibi, circle, death, everything dies, kawaii, life, love, pallas 13, prince, prof, spade, strawberries
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