Pikmin541 (Fan Art Portfolio) Spirit Day && Breast Cancer Awareness

Spirit Day && Breast Cancer Awareness

Helllooooooooo everyone!
Guess what!?
:D I'm posting up a picture for once!^^
Explaination time!
On Wednesday I thought it was Spirit Day (Or really I heard it was a day to wear purple for Gay Abuse) and then I found out that a day to wear pink was on the same day. Pink being for Breast Cancer. I was a bit mad (I mean don't get me wrong, I don't like any form of cancer or anything!) because it was on the same day. Why couldn't they make it a day after the other?D:
So, on that day I wore a BUNCH of purple, and put on some pink acessories! (The only ones I own..Not..Much..)
Mwahaha, I win.:D
But then Deviantart (Yes I go on there also.>> and I'll be putting this up on there also!) they were making DA purple until Friday, and so many people were doing these cool purple pictures.D: I wanted to join in!
SO after a long time of thinking of what it should be, I picked up my pencil and started drawing during all my classes :D !
I didn't get it finished...
There is the end of my tell of woe...
Explaination of the PICTURE!
Ok so as you can tell the side for Spirit Day is on the left, and Breast Cancer Awareness is on the right!:D
I tried to make Spirit day using ONLY shades of purple colors, and the same on the right with pink.
The purple one is my favorite, because....She's not so..plain...
I couldn't think of anything better for the pink one.>> Besides bubbles, but this being on paint that would be friggin' hard
(plus it's so hard to draw on paaaaaaaint!).
Oh! Also! This is my first time drawing a good picture on paint!:D I'm proud of it because you know... I did it on paint!:D With it's so hard for me to draw on paint...T_T' I'm proud of it dang it! I know theres mistakes (I haaaaatte the arrrrmmmms) but you know, I tried, that's what counts!
(Also, I know that Spirit Day wasn't ONLY for Gay Abuse, it's just what I heard first.^^)

Thanks for looking& please don't steal!^^!
**This will also be submitted under my DA account!

Personal Fan Art
awareness, breast, cancer, day, eff, pikmin541, spirit, tags, the
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gaaraskittygirl Blood Moon Wolf SandLover13 DeidaraNarutoClan
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